I regret to inform you that this, is the end.
I'm going now. I wish you all a very fond farwell.
*Que the gasps of Hobbits*
Good-byes are atrocious.
It involves severing oneself from someone else, and amputation is never pretty, it leaves on feeling a bit of loss and it smells.
Now that you're picturing severed limbs, let me bring you back to the blog.
I decided to do Blog Every Day in April, because I have this strange need to do something purposeful for a long period of time, for generally I do very pointless things. Believe me, watching well-known movies is only for my benefit and no other's.
Off the top of my head, I can think of two 'hard' things I've completed in a month--NaNoWriMo and BEDA.
Both have to do with writing--that is, forcing yourself to write, everyday. And the sense of achievement at the end of NaNoWriMo was AMAZING. Of course, most of what I had written was absolute rubbish, but at least I had FINISHED it.
I'd never finished writing a book before.
So now I'm trying to figure out what to do for the month of May. Perhaps I'll do NaNoWriMo, or walk 3 miles every day. Blogging will still take place, but only when the mood strikes. Perhaps I'll do a cornucopia of things, but I want to create something, put my energy into something that I can look back on and say "Hey, I did that and I succeeded."
To be honest, I'm very pleased that I got to the end of this month.
Though, I can't believe I blogged every day.
Or that anyone READ what I wrote! Thankyouthankyouthankyou to you, reading this! You bring me great joy by spending a few minutes of your time on this.
Suggestions on what I should do for a month would be appreciated! I've never been very craftsy or artsy-fartsy, but maybe that can change. In fact, Pinterest has a plethora of options just waiting for me, some buttons and a hot glue gun.
I hope you're doing well. I hope you feel God's love and that life brings you joy.
Go make yourself a cup of tea and think about something you could do to change your life-style. Maybe blog a little.
You have a voice, so use it.
That's what the speech therapist in The King's Speech said.
I shall not say "good-bye".
TTFN: Ta-Ta For Now!
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