Besides hearing about him on Gilmore Girls, I hadn't ever seen him. And I found him quite adorable, in a really weird way.
What's absolutely hilarious to me is that I thought he resembled David Bowie and the mom character says to him "You can look like David Bowie some other day."

The Goblin King (AKA David Bowie)
The movie was pretty fantastic. In general, I love dance movies! And this was the sort of dance movie that even guys would like. After all, there was enough punching and cussing and comical moments that you wouldn't have to label it a girly movie. It's slightly cooler than 10 Things I Hate About You.
Tonight, I was over at Gordon's house, just chillin' with the boys. Melissa had left, so we watched a cartoon called Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, which was terribly depressing and WAY too colorful. What is it with kids and the need for so many colors?
But it got scary, because Ben brought out his laptop and told me to play the game Slender.
The premise of the computer game is that you wander around a dark forest, trying to find 8 notes left around. You have a flashlight and can walk or sprint, but only so much. If you sprint too much, you use it all up and are stuck with creeping slowly around. The whole time, you're trying to avoid Slender Man--a terrifying blank-faced individual wearing a pin-stripe suit who will grab you from behind or catch you in front, causing your screen to fuzz.
We didn't end up playing it, but Ben turned off the lights and we all squished up on the couch to watch a video of a guy nervously playing the game in the dark. He kept muttering and giggling to prove to himself that he wasn't afraid, while the whole time I'm sitting there holding hard onto my blanket and hyperventilating.
It's all terror till that moment he appears on your screen.
You scream.
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