Delicious food that I really should have only tasted, but consumed quite quickly, rendered me with an upset stomach.
Everyone around me was laughing and joking with each other, usually several pairs scattered across the adjoining rooms.
A few were quiet and engaged in deep conversations while others roared about "that actor who did the voice of Darth Vader", and "hey--wasn't he actually black?"

There were staring contests that resulted in talks about boys that can make themselves cry, guys with their Nothing boxes and a complicated question like "So if guys are like, herbivores and vegetables, then are girls carnivores with their minds and like, well, meat?"
I'm still non-plussed by that. And perhaps a little insulted...but he was trying to explain and I just didn't get it.
First impressions are funny that way.
I cried tonight too.
Sincerity in others tends to turn me to mush, when they've got the, uh, thing with the, um, eyes and they're, like, shiny and sincere...
I left that place, wanting to come back immediately and enjoy people's company.
Plus, I got a lot of Daddy-hugs. :) It seemed like all the men just wanted everyone to feel loved and noticed. I think the whole world needs a Daddy-Hug. Warm and understanding, without judgement. Just love.
Good-night, world.
Verse of the Day: Psalm 68:5 "A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows,
is God in his holy dwelling."
is God in his holy dwelling."
Song of the Day: This Will Be - Natalie Cole
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