Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Random musings:

1. A tea bag steeping is probably the coolest thing ever, besides watching a washing machine toss its contents around in the swishy water.

2. The sound a bus makes when it comes to a halt and the doors open or close sounds like feminine flatulence.

3. Raindrops falling on the roof is a calming sound, yet they're probably screaming in terror as they fall from the sky and then splat!

4. When characters in a romantic movie don't kiss, you feel disappointed, as if that was the ultimate show of love they could ever muster.

5. We tell people who call themselves "ugly" that they're beautiful "on the inside and out"--when really, that's not what they need to hear.

6. When Doctor Who fans see tally marks on your arms, they really get it. Other people, don't.

7. Some people get really disappointed if a girl gets a really short haircut, as if her hair was an appendage and she just defiled her body.

8. Girls are fine with squealing over actors, but would react with disgust if guys did it.

9. The advice we give is generally the advice we should follow.

10. People who question seeing "a good-looking" person with a "plain" or "ugly" one have no true understanding of how someone's character can be just as alluring and attractive as their looks. Nice guys don't always finish last.

11. Grilled-cheese sandwiches taste of childhood.

12. Be careful who you create memories with over a song, because it will come back to haunt you.

13. People who enjoy reading books are some of the loveliest, most interesting persons I know.

14. We're too quick to judge on first impressions in every way.

15. Movies shouldn't have sex scenes.

16. Bacon, chocolate and coffee are the Chuck Norris' of food.

17. When you're in love, when you're in love, there is no earthly way to hiiiiiide iiiiit...

18. Yawning helps me cry when I want to.

19. Dogs are cute, but have breath that could wipe out a colony of ants, instantly.

20. Once you speak a secret, it's no longer yours and you feel the loss.

21. When people mention "The Game" you lose it.

22. Oh, and I'm never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you. 

23. Kevin Bacon's teeth are a separate marvel from the man himself.

24. Winnie the Pooh. What did the author mean by that name?

25. Snape kills Dumbledore, Bruce Willis is a ghost and Darth Vader is Luke's father.

26. They're taking the hobbits to Isengard! They're taking-they're taking-they're taking-they're taking-they're taking the hobbits to Isengard-to Isengard!

27. If each person were allowed to marry their favorite fictional character, how many Mr. Darcys would there be in this world?

28. Things sound much better at 3 o'clock in the morning.

29. Elmers glue removes blackheads.

30. A lap isn't a real thing. Because once you stand up, it's gone!

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