I regret to inform you that this, is the end.
I'm going now. I wish you all a very fond farwell.
*Que the gasps of Hobbits*
Good-byes are atrocious.
It involves severing oneself from someone else, and amputation is never pretty, it leaves on feeling a bit of loss and it smells.
Now that you're picturing severed limbs, let me bring you back to the blog.
I decided to do Blog Every Day in April, because I have this strange need to do something purposeful for a long period of time, for generally I do very pointless things. Believe me, watching well-known movies is only for my benefit and no other's.
Off the top of my head, I can think of two 'hard' things I've completed in a month--NaNoWriMo and BEDA.
Both have to do with writing--that is, forcing yourself to write, everyday. And the sense of achievement at the end of NaNoWriMo was AMAZING. Of course, most of what I had written was absolute rubbish, but at least I had FINISHED it.
I'd never finished writing a book before.
So now I'm trying to figure out what to do for the month of May. Perhaps I'll do NaNoWriMo, or walk 3 miles every day. Blogging will still take place, but only when the mood strikes. Perhaps I'll do a cornucopia of things, but I want to create something, put my energy into something that I can look back on and say "Hey, I did that and I succeeded."
To be honest, I'm very pleased that I got to the end of this month.
Though, I can't believe I blogged every day.
Or that anyone READ what I wrote! Thankyouthankyouthankyou to you, reading this! You bring me great joy by spending a few minutes of your time on this.
Suggestions on what I should do for a month would be appreciated! I've never been very craftsy or artsy-fartsy, but maybe that can change. In fact, Pinterest has a plethora of options just waiting for me, some buttons and a hot glue gun.
I hope you're doing well. I hope you feel God's love and that life brings you joy.
Go make yourself a cup of tea and think about something you could do to change your life-style. Maybe blog a little.
You have a voice, so use it.
That's what the speech therapist in The King's Speech said.
I shall not say "good-bye".
TTFN: Ta-Ta For Now!
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
Reading Harry Potter For the First Time
Well, I can now check that off of my To-Do list.
Guys, I read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone today! And it's just as magical and awesome as I dreamed it would be.
Firstly, the writing is great.
I realize it's for children, and because I feel like I have a bit of ADD whenever I read, 'easy-reading' is just the ticket. But I have been informed that as the kids grow up, the writer's voice sounds older as well, which I think is SO cool!
Standing in Gordon's kitchen, I clutched the withdrawn copy from the library, nervous jitters causing my hands to shake.
"I don't know why I'm so nervous about reading it!" I giggled.
Gordon (who is a calm, level-headed sort of person) gave me the sort of smile you get from someone who is much more mature and wiser than you, but who still understands your immature notions and anxieties.
"Want to find a place to situate yourself? There's the study, or the living room or the couch in the sun room--"
"--How am I going to choose?!" I whimpered.
Alexander was playing video games in the living room, the sun room was too open, so I curled up in the corner of the study, in the mustard-colored papasan chair.
The beginning that starts off with the Dursleys reminded me of C.S. Lewis' opening lines of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader when he penned "There once was a boy named Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it."
Harry Potter is so good and brave!
Ron is hilarious and the sort of person you'd love to hug. Hermione is the kid that you want to smack, but has an incredible attitude! I disliked Draco Malfoy immensely. Hagrid is adorable. And Dumbledore is like Gandalf, only sweeter.
I was so shocked when it turned out to be Quirrel who was the pawn of You-Know-Who and not Snape.
Though I can't honestly join Snape's fan-club, because I've only read the first book and he's a terrible person so far. Plus, thanks to an awful friend of mine, I know a big spoiler about Snape killing...that fellow. Which makes it terribly hard not to think about it.
Like how I'm not spoiling it for anyone who hasn't read Harry Potter yet? ;)
Maybe I'm just trying to make up for the fact that I spoiled the ending for The Dark Knight Rises for a friend I didn't know hadn't already seen it. But keep spoilers to yourselves, people!
Hopefully I'll watch the first movie soon.
But I'm already positive that I'll love these books and will try and join the rest of the fans pretty soon.
In fact, in my mind, I already have.
Which house would I belong to? Maybe Hufflepuff, but most likely Gryffindor...
Song of the Day: We Are the Champions - Queen (in honor of Gryffindor's win at the end!)
Verse of the Day: 2 Timothy 1:7 "for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control."
Guys, I read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone today! And it's just as magical and awesome as I dreamed it would be.
Firstly, the writing is great.
I realize it's for children, and because I feel like I have a bit of ADD whenever I read, 'easy-reading' is just the ticket. But I have been informed that as the kids grow up, the writer's voice sounds older as well, which I think is SO cool!
Standing in Gordon's kitchen, I clutched the withdrawn copy from the library, nervous jitters causing my hands to shake.
"I don't know why I'm so nervous about reading it!" I giggled.
Gordon (who is a calm, level-headed sort of person) gave me the sort of smile you get from someone who is much more mature and wiser than you, but who still understands your immature notions and anxieties.
"Want to find a place to situate yourself? There's the study, or the living room or the couch in the sun room--"
"--How am I going to choose?!" I whimpered.
Alexander was playing video games in the living room, the sun room was too open, so I curled up in the corner of the study, in the mustard-colored papasan chair.
The beginning that starts off with the Dursleys reminded me of C.S. Lewis' opening lines of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader when he penned "There once was a boy named Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it."
Harry Potter is so good and brave!
Ron is hilarious and the sort of person you'd love to hug. Hermione is the kid that you want to smack, but has an incredible attitude! I disliked Draco Malfoy immensely. Hagrid is adorable. And Dumbledore is like Gandalf, only sweeter.
I was so shocked when it turned out to be Quirrel who was the pawn of You-Know-Who and not Snape.
Though I can't honestly join Snape's fan-club, because I've only read the first book and he's a terrible person so far. Plus, thanks to an awful friend of mine, I know a big spoiler about Snape killing...that fellow. Which makes it terribly hard not to think about it.
Like how I'm not spoiling it for anyone who hasn't read Harry Potter yet? ;)
Maybe I'm just trying to make up for the fact that I spoiled the ending for The Dark Knight Rises for a friend I didn't know hadn't already seen it. But keep spoilers to yourselves, people!
Hopefully I'll watch the first movie soon.
But I'm already positive that I'll love these books and will try and join the rest of the fans pretty soon.
In fact, in my mind, I already have.
Which house would I belong to? Maybe Hufflepuff, but most likely Gryffindor...
Song of the Day: We Are the Champions - Queen (in honor of Gryffindor's win at the end!)
Verse of the Day: 2 Timothy 1:7 "for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control."
Sunday, April 28, 2013
I'm Ready For Freedom
I visited a friend today, because God gave me the strongest urge to speak with her.
And we shared our feelings and thoughts about God. I so appreciate having friends that care and are real and honest and good--even though they're honesty is about how they aren't good or not okay.
That's kinda what friendship is for: Iron sharpens iron.
While we were talking, we ended up in front of the laptop, looking up songs with great, truthful lyrics. One song in particular was on my mind, but all I could remember from the lyrics was "chains".
That narrows it down a bit, especially for music with Christian beliefs, right?
But thanks to Air1.com, I found it.
It's "Freedom" by Run Kid Run. And I just felt the need to share it with you all.
Freedom by Run Kid Run (YouTube video)
Oh my chains, I can't disengage
I don't believe that I want to
One hand sings Your praise
The other brings me shame
I have selfishness to blame
And I'm singing for freedom
I know I'm not the only one praying to the One
Who can bring me this freedom
I'm ready for change
Looking down I lay
I keep holding my chains
No longer bound but here I stay
I scream, Father please, I need rescuing
I need You and You alone
And I'm singing for freedom
I know I'm not the only one praying to the One
Who can bring me this freedom
I'm ready for, I'm ready for
Still You patiently await
Yet I won't just let go
I see You and You alone
Say come, follow me
Despair has come so You can't see, release
So I'm singing for freedom
So I'm singing for freedom
The time has come, separation lost the war to love
Take my hand, grace is found, yeah where Your words begin
You're alive, You're alive, in the waking of new life
Take my hand, in the end there's only love, there's only love
There's only singing for freedom
I know I'm not the only one praying to the One
Who can bring me this freedom
I'm ready for, I'm ready for
Father please, I need rescuing
I need You and You alone
What truth!
I want the freedom that comes with Christ. And I want you to want it too! There's nothing like it. It sets us free from the monsters that attack while we're lying in our beds, and when we're worrying about the future.
His freedom calms me when I experience loneliness. He frees me from all things.
No more do I need to be a slave to anxiety.
He's broken the chains. I can trust His path, even though I had thought-out plans and dreams, because we can trust His sovereignty. And even if my faith grows weak, He will strengthen me, for He is good and His love endures throughout all things.
After all, this is His story.
Therefore, He deserves the applause and the center of the stage. And I'm honored that He wrote me into the script.
Tonight, I'll go to bed with a smile on my face, and maybe even tears of joy, because I am no longer a slave to my anxiety or fear. Thank You, LORD!
It's crazy to think that no matter what I do, God couldn't love me more, or less.
There's only love.
And we shared our feelings and thoughts about God. I so appreciate having friends that care and are real and honest and good--even though they're honesty is about how they aren't good or not okay.
That's kinda what friendship is for: Iron sharpens iron.
While we were talking, we ended up in front of the laptop, looking up songs with great, truthful lyrics. One song in particular was on my mind, but all I could remember from the lyrics was "chains".
That narrows it down a bit, especially for music with Christian beliefs, right?
But thanks to Air1.com, I found it.
It's "Freedom" by Run Kid Run. And I just felt the need to share it with you all.
Freedom by Run Kid Run (YouTube video)
Oh my chains, I can't disengage
I don't believe that I want to
One hand sings Your praise
The other brings me shame
I have selfishness to blame
And I'm singing for freedom
I know I'm not the only one praying to the One
Who can bring me this freedom
I'm ready for change
Looking down I lay
I keep holding my chains
No longer bound but here I stay
I scream, Father please, I need rescuing
I need You and You alone
And I'm singing for freedom
I know I'm not the only one praying to the One
Who can bring me this freedom
I'm ready for, I'm ready for
Still You patiently await
Yet I won't just let go
I see You and You alone
Say come, follow me
Despair has come so You can't see, release
So I'm singing for freedom
So I'm singing for freedom
The time has come, separation lost the war to love
Take my hand, grace is found, yeah where Your words begin
You're alive, You're alive, in the waking of new life
Take my hand, in the end there's only love, there's only love
There's only singing for freedom
I know I'm not the only one praying to the One
Who can bring me this freedom
I'm ready for, I'm ready for
Father please, I need rescuing
I need You and You alone
What truth!
I want the freedom that comes with Christ. And I want you to want it too! There's nothing like it. It sets us free from the monsters that attack while we're lying in our beds, and when we're worrying about the future.
His freedom calms me when I experience loneliness. He frees me from all things.
No more do I need to be a slave to anxiety.
He's broken the chains. I can trust His path, even though I had thought-out plans and dreams, because we can trust His sovereignty. And even if my faith grows weak, He will strengthen me, for He is good and His love endures throughout all things.
After all, this is His story.
Therefore, He deserves the applause and the center of the stage. And I'm honored that He wrote me into the script.
Tonight, I'll go to bed with a smile on my face, and maybe even tears of joy, because I am no longer a slave to my anxiety or fear. Thank You, LORD!
It's crazy to think that no matter what I do, God couldn't love me more, or less.
There's only love.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Young Love
Let's talk about young love, shall we?
Today I was walking with my friend Bekah at the Commons.
As we passed by this fourteen year-old girl and her (perhaps) fifteen year-old boyfriend, they shared the most short 'passionate' kiss I've ever had the misfortune of witnessing.
Love, right?
The girl pulled away.
"But you can't cheat! Okay?! That's not how this works!"
First Impression is lying dead, on the ground, in a state of eternal shock.
Obviously, most of us don't believe in young love being that young, but has society fallen so much that you now have to inform your other half that it's not okay to cheat?
I don't put much merit in those relationships, honestly, but that's really disturbing. Good grief.
Those kids who get married at 18. I know at least three different couples getting married that young. And I think it's great.
People need to understand something: they're not throwing away their lives. They're choosing a life that they want. To them, careers aren't the big picture. Together, these three couples strengthen each other better than if they were apart.
Obviously people will use very good arguments against getting married young: no experience, no maturity, no spiritual maturity, financial stability, etc. And I strongly agree with those--to a point.
But when those aren't an issue, arguments are invalid and "forever hold your peace" becomes an actual thing.
I personally can't see myself getting married for a very long time.
I don't trust my own maturity (which I hope will change in about, oh, ten years.)
But some people are just ready. And I look forward to seeing their successes. :)
The Blogger
Today I was walking with my friend Bekah at the Commons.
As we passed by this fourteen year-old girl and her (perhaps) fifteen year-old boyfriend, they shared the most short 'passionate' kiss I've ever had the misfortune of witnessing.
Love, right?
The girl pulled away.
"But you can't cheat! Okay?! That's not how this works!"
First Impression is lying dead, on the ground, in a state of eternal shock.
Obviously, most of us don't believe in young love being that young, but has society fallen so much that you now have to inform your other half that it's not okay to cheat?
I don't put much merit in those relationships, honestly, but that's really disturbing. Good grief.
"Kids these days. So desensitized by movies and television." -The GrinchAnd then we have another side.
Those kids who get married at 18. I know at least three different couples getting married that young. And I think it's great.
People need to understand something: they're not throwing away their lives. They're choosing a life that they want. To them, careers aren't the big picture. Together, these three couples strengthen each other better than if they were apart.
![]() |
"They're twitterpated!" |
If you believe in love, then don't go judging someone for acting on it.I say if you think you'd be of more use to the world as a team and can afford to live together comfortable and have a strong foundation in Christ, go for it.
Obviously people will use very good arguments against getting married young: no experience, no maturity, no spiritual maturity, financial stability, etc. And I strongly agree with those--to a point.
But when those aren't an issue, arguments are invalid and "forever hold your peace" becomes an actual thing.
I personally can't see myself getting married for a very long time.
I don't trust my own maturity (which I hope will change in about, oh, ten years.)
But some people are just ready. And I look forward to seeing their successes. :)
To all the fourteen year-olds, though: please don't kiss at the Commons anymore.
The Blogger
Friday, April 26, 2013
Beautiful People
Okay, so beautiful people.
You'd have to give me a category, because I know beautiful people and I have seen beautiful people.
Generally they both have good looks, but the good looks of the aforementioned are based mostly on their character and taste in everything.
I made this point at breakfast today: "I can see that someone may not seem good-looking to others, but if their personality is splendid or exciting or lovely, I will end up finding them more attractive than Hollywood's finest."
My idea of beauty can range from the loud, laughing teenage girl who doesn't care who hears her enjoyment of a good joke, to the quiet, fifty year-old woman that watches the proceedings of others around her and sees God continuously in her life.
In fact, the most lovely human beings I know are just reflecting God's great and wonderful beauty themselves.
To my knowledge, though, most women (and I think it's safe to say a majority of men) don't believe that they're beautiful, or even remotely attractive.
Some go so far as to say that they're ugly.
Yes. There are marvelous, happy, lovely creatures on this planet that secretly (or very publicly) believe themselves to be the plainest, most unremarkable of all God's humans.
That is complete and utter sunshine.
Remember in the Bible when God asked Adam "Who told you you were naked?" after the forbidden fruit incident?
Yeah. The idea of nakedness in that story (in my mind) connects to my point about ugliness.
So who told you you were ugly?
Where did that idea even come from? Was it Hollywood, or your enemies, or friends, or even your own family?
Wherever those ideas may have come from, I certainly hope you get rid of them. I pray that they'd wriggle around like marmalade jelly and disappear.
But what I think is interesting, is the idea that we must make someone feel better about their appearance.
Girls posting random selfies on the internet (looking nothing like their true selves) desperately want some sort of acknowledgement. "Ohh, you're so pretty!" Believe me, I've been that girl. And who I am hates who I've been.
Another thing: When someone says that they're ugly, don't encourage them.
Don't try and make it okay. "Aww, but you're beauitful--inside and out!"
Really. Girls don't need that confirmation. What we need is to stop being so self-focused and self-loving, and go do something worthwhile for someone else.
This whole "do what you can do for you"-society is wacko.
Watch these two videos bellow. One is of a girl talking about how she's accepted that she's "ugly" and the other is a girl replying to that video. Both something to ponder. Empathy is so imporant to show love to someone, so please watch them (if you have the time):
On Being Ugly
On Empathy // RE: On Being Ugly
Song of the Day: Beautiful Disaster - Jon McLaughlin
Verse of the Day: Deuteronomy 4:32: "Ask now about the former days, long before your time, from the day God created human beings on the earth; ask from one end of the heavens to the other. Has anything so great as this ever happened, or has anything like it ever been heard of?"
You'd have to give me a category, because I know beautiful people and I have seen beautiful people.
Generally they both have good looks, but the good looks of the aforementioned are based mostly on their character and taste in everything.
I made this point at breakfast today: "I can see that someone may not seem good-looking to others, but if their personality is splendid or exciting or lovely, I will end up finding them more attractive than Hollywood's finest."
My idea of beauty can range from the loud, laughing teenage girl who doesn't care who hears her enjoyment of a good joke, to the quiet, fifty year-old woman that watches the proceedings of others around her and sees God continuously in her life.
In fact, the most lovely human beings I know are just reflecting God's great and wonderful beauty themselves.
To my knowledge, though, most women (and I think it's safe to say a majority of men) don't believe that they're beautiful, or even remotely attractive.
Some go so far as to say that they're ugly.
Yes. There are marvelous, happy, lovely creatures on this planet that secretly (or very publicly) believe themselves to be the plainest, most unremarkable of all God's humans.
That is complete and utter sunshine.
Remember in the Bible when God asked Adam "Who told you you were naked?" after the forbidden fruit incident?
Yeah. The idea of nakedness in that story (in my mind) connects to my point about ugliness.
So who told you you were ugly?
Where did that idea even come from? Was it Hollywood, or your enemies, or friends, or even your own family?
Wherever those ideas may have come from, I certainly hope you get rid of them. I pray that they'd wriggle around like marmalade jelly and disappear.
But what I think is interesting, is the idea that we must make someone feel better about their appearance.
Girls posting random selfies on the internet (looking nothing like their true selves) desperately want some sort of acknowledgement. "Ohh, you're so pretty!" Believe me, I've been that girl. And who I am hates who I've been.
Another thing: When someone says that they're ugly, don't encourage them.
Don't try and make it okay. "Aww, but you're beauitful--inside and out!"
Really. Girls don't need that confirmation. What we need is to stop being so self-focused and self-loving, and go do something worthwhile for someone else.
This whole "do what you can do for you"-society is wacko.
Watch these two videos bellow. One is of a girl talking about how she's accepted that she's "ugly" and the other is a girl replying to that video. Both something to ponder. Empathy is so imporant to show love to someone, so please watch them (if you have the time):
On Being Ugly
On Empathy // RE: On Being Ugly
Song of the Day: Beautiful Disaster - Jon McLaughlin
Verse of the Day: Deuteronomy 4:32: "Ask now about the former days, long before your time, from the day God created human beings on the earth; ask from one end of the heavens to the other. Has anything so great as this ever happened, or has anything like it ever been heard of?"
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Until today, I hadn't watched an R-rated movie.
Mostly just because there aren't any that interest me. But I did watch The King's Speech (which Colin Firth was amazing in) and then a movie called Charlie Bartlett today. The former was well-done, and I understand why it received Oscars. The second was funny, but not really worth watching. Charlie himself was the best part, being like a mobster with a soft, girly voice. And RDJr as a principal? Great.
To be honest, I probably could have lived quite happily without watching an R-rated movie. Not that they're necessarily all bad, but there's some pretty yucky stuff out there, and I prefer a yucky-less life.
Oh, and apparently I'm a weirdo, because I think that ketchup and ranch dressing are a delicious combo on oven-baked mac 'n cheese. It's only thanks to AJ that I eat it, having never really considered the mixture.
People react and say "gross!" Well, you know what? Eating an onion like an apple is gross. And lentils are gross. And most fish. And spam.
But ketchup and ranch on mac 'n cheese? It's a terribly unhealthy, delicious meal, so don't label it too soon.
Man, I'm just a weirdo.
To add to that idea, I was in mortal terror of getting my hair cut today. Not because I don't trust the wonderful Stef (who's a magician at haircuts), but because it had taken so long to grow it out. But I went through with it, and I can run my fingers through it pretty quickly AND mess it up, and it still looks great.
Today has been a good day.
After all, I did have brownies for breakfast.
Song of the Day: Mad World - Gary Jules (although, Adam Lambert does an amazing live performance)
Verse of the Day: John 13: 34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
Mostly just because there aren't any that interest me. But I did watch The King's Speech (which Colin Firth was amazing in) and then a movie called Charlie Bartlett today. The former was well-done, and I understand why it received Oscars. The second was funny, but not really worth watching. Charlie himself was the best part, being like a mobster with a soft, girly voice. And RDJr as a principal? Great.
To be honest, I probably could have lived quite happily without watching an R-rated movie. Not that they're necessarily all bad, but there's some pretty yucky stuff out there, and I prefer a yucky-less life.
Oh, and apparently I'm a weirdo, because I think that ketchup and ranch dressing are a delicious combo on oven-baked mac 'n cheese. It's only thanks to AJ that I eat it, having never really considered the mixture.
People react and say "gross!" Well, you know what? Eating an onion like an apple is gross. And lentils are gross. And most fish. And spam.
But ketchup and ranch on mac 'n cheese? It's a terribly unhealthy, delicious meal, so don't label it too soon.
Man, I'm just a weirdo.
To add to that idea, I was in mortal terror of getting my hair cut today. Not because I don't trust the wonderful Stef (who's a magician at haircuts), but because it had taken so long to grow it out. But I went through with it, and I can run my fingers through it pretty quickly AND mess it up, and it still looks great.
Today has been a good day.
After all, I did have brownies for breakfast.
Song of the Day: Mad World - Gary Jules (although, Adam Lambert does an amazing live performance)
Verse of the Day: John 13: 34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Went to the beach with my friends today, first taking a walk along the wet, salty strands.
Pregnancy, future plans, funny writings in the sand and dares were tossed back and forth, as we chuckled and chatted, our feet bare and cold.
To be honest, I felt rather magical and poetic at the same time. :)
And then we got Buffalo Wing pizza and another one with pesto.
On the bedside table sat two gigantic oatmeal raisin cookies, just waiting anxiously for dessert time.
Everything was delicious and made me dream of vacations.
But the best part of the night was when we went out onto the beach again, and the tides were higher, racing towards us eagerly.
The sky was dark, but the moon shone incredibly bright and reflected on the water perfectly.
Bekah thought of Breaking Dawn Part 1, but that didn't detract from the magic.
Neither did the moment when she suddenly ran up and slapped me on the butt, though that almost did.
[Just kidding, Rafkah.]
So us girls had our Moon-Date. In fact, it was the perfect romantic setting, only the tide came rushing towards us, till we were forced to retreat off the beach.
It was beautiful while it lasted.
I think everyone should have a moon-date at some point.

Song of the Day: Moondance - Michael Buble
Pregnancy, future plans, funny writings in the sand and dares were tossed back and forth, as we chuckled and chatted, our feet bare and cold.
"Oy with the poodles already" was written into the hard sands by my toe. The other girls were writing "To live is Christ and to die is gain."It felt like the eve of summer and we all had hearts full of a holiday-like cheer.
To be honest, I felt rather magical and poetic at the same time. :)
And then we got Buffalo Wing pizza and another one with pesto.
On the bedside table sat two gigantic oatmeal raisin cookies, just waiting anxiously for dessert time.
Everything was delicious and made me dream of vacations.
But the best part of the night was when we went out onto the beach again, and the tides were higher, racing towards us eagerly.
The sky was dark, but the moon shone incredibly bright and reflected on the water perfectly.
Bekah thought of Breaking Dawn Part 1, but that didn't detract from the magic.
Neither did the moment when she suddenly ran up and slapped me on the butt, though that almost did.
[Just kidding, Rafkah.]
So us girls had our Moon-Date. In fact, it was the perfect romantic setting, only the tide came rushing towards us, till we were forced to retreat off the beach.
It was beautiful while it lasted.
I think everyone should have a moon-date at some point.

Song of the Day: Moondance - Michael Buble
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Random musings:
1. A tea bag steeping is probably the coolest thing ever, besides watching a washing machine toss its contents around in the swishy water.
2. The sound a bus makes when it comes to a halt and the doors open or close sounds like feminine flatulence.
3. Raindrops falling on the roof is a calming sound, yet they're probably screaming in terror as they fall from the sky and then splat!
4. When characters in a romantic movie don't kiss, you feel disappointed, as if that was the ultimate show of love they could ever muster.
5. We tell people who call themselves "ugly" that they're beautiful "on the inside and out"--when really, that's not what they need to hear.
6. When Doctor Who fans see tally marks on your arms, they really get it. Other people, don't.
7. Some people get really disappointed if a girl gets a really short haircut, as if her hair was an appendage and she just defiled her body.
8. Girls are fine with squealing over actors, but would react with disgust if guys did it.
9. The advice we give is generally the advice we should follow.
10. People who question seeing "a good-looking" person with a "plain" or "ugly" one have no true understanding of how someone's character can be just as alluring and attractive as their looks. Nice guys don't always finish last.
11. Grilled-cheese sandwiches taste of childhood.
12. Be careful who you create memories with over a song, because it will come back to haunt you.
13. People who enjoy reading books are some of the loveliest, most interesting persons I know.
14. We're too quick to judge on first impressions in every way.
15. Movies shouldn't have sex scenes.
16. Bacon, chocolate and coffee are the Chuck Norris' of food.
17. When you're in love, when you're in love, there is no earthly way to hiiiiiide iiiiit...
18. Yawning helps me cry when I want to.
19. Dogs are cute, but have breath that could wipe out a colony of ants, instantly.
20. Once you speak a secret, it's no longer yours and you feel the loss.
21. When people mention "The Game" you lose it.
22. Oh, and I'm never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you.
23. Kevin Bacon's teeth are a separate marvel from the man himself.
24. Winnie the Pooh. What did the author mean by that name?
25. Snape kills Dumbledore, Bruce Willis is a ghost and Darth Vader is Luke's father.
26. They're taking the hobbits to Isengard! They're taking-they're taking-they're taking-they're taking-they're taking the hobbits to Isengard-to Isengard!
27. If each person were allowed to marry their favorite fictional character, how many Mr. Darcys would there be in this world?
28. Things sound much better at 3 o'clock in the morning.
29. Elmers glue removes blackheads.
30. A lap isn't a real thing. Because once you stand up, it's gone!
1. A tea bag steeping is probably the coolest thing ever, besides watching a washing machine toss its contents around in the swishy water.
2. The sound a bus makes when it comes to a halt and the doors open or close sounds like feminine flatulence.
3. Raindrops falling on the roof is a calming sound, yet they're probably screaming in terror as they fall from the sky and then splat!
4. When characters in a romantic movie don't kiss, you feel disappointed, as if that was the ultimate show of love they could ever muster.
5. We tell people who call themselves "ugly" that they're beautiful "on the inside and out"--when really, that's not what they need to hear.
6. When Doctor Who fans see tally marks on your arms, they really get it. Other people, don't.
7. Some people get really disappointed if a girl gets a really short haircut, as if her hair was an appendage and she just defiled her body.
8. Girls are fine with squealing over actors, but would react with disgust if guys did it.
9. The advice we give is generally the advice we should follow.
10. People who question seeing "a good-looking" person with a "plain" or "ugly" one have no true understanding of how someone's character can be just as alluring and attractive as their looks. Nice guys don't always finish last.
11. Grilled-cheese sandwiches taste of childhood.
12. Be careful who you create memories with over a song, because it will come back to haunt you.
13. People who enjoy reading books are some of the loveliest, most interesting persons I know.
14. We're too quick to judge on first impressions in every way.
15. Movies shouldn't have sex scenes.
16. Bacon, chocolate and coffee are the Chuck Norris' of food.
17. When you're in love, when you're in love, there is no earthly way to hiiiiiide iiiiit...
18. Yawning helps me cry when I want to.
19. Dogs are cute, but have breath that could wipe out a colony of ants, instantly.
20. Once you speak a secret, it's no longer yours and you feel the loss.
21. When people mention "The Game" you lose it.
22. Oh, and I'm never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you.
23. Kevin Bacon's teeth are a separate marvel from the man himself.
24. Winnie the Pooh. What did the author mean by that name?
25. Snape kills Dumbledore, Bruce Willis is a ghost and Darth Vader is Luke's father.
26. They're taking the hobbits to Isengard! They're taking-they're taking-they're taking-they're taking-they're taking the hobbits to Isengard-to Isengard!
27. If each person were allowed to marry their favorite fictional character, how many Mr. Darcys would there be in this world?
28. Things sound much better at 3 o'clock in the morning.
29. Elmers glue removes blackheads.
30. A lap isn't a real thing. Because once you stand up, it's gone!
Monday, April 22, 2013
Allergic to Adorableness
I had to look through baby pictures today for my graduation.
Really, I wasn't expecting to fall into a 'bad mood' or anything, but seeing picture after picture of Gordon being obnoxiously adorable as a baby and toddler, I was literally getting sick of his cuteness.

"I'm allergic to adorableness!"
Endless piles of pictures seemed to be of only him.
"Mom, did you take ANY pictures of me?"
"Well...yeah...but not as many."
Not that I wasn't cute or anything, it's just Gordon had a bigger smile than I did. And he's the only kid with dark brown hair and kids with really dark hair or really bright hair just seem cuter to me. Alexander and I both have dirty-blonde hair, which is pretty "ehhh", but okay. We had only our faces to define our cuteness. ;)
Looking back at the pictures, I seemed hesitant and withdrawn, almost shy.
HA! This has changed.
I think all four of us kids can agree that Gordon was the cutest baby over-all, Sonja was the fattest with chipmunk cheeks, I was the one who screamed the most and Alexander had the biggest head.
For the record, I don't want to be remembered under my R.I.P as "The Screamer".
That's a ride in WaterCountry.
Really, I wasn't expecting to fall into a 'bad mood' or anything, but seeing picture after picture of Gordon being obnoxiously adorable as a baby and toddler, I was literally getting sick of his cuteness.

"I'm allergic to adorableness!"
Endless piles of pictures seemed to be of only him.
"Mom, did you take ANY pictures of me?"
"Well...yeah...but not as many."
Not that I wasn't cute or anything, it's just Gordon had a bigger smile than I did. And he's the only kid with dark brown hair and kids with really dark hair or really bright hair just seem cuter to me. Alexander and I both have dirty-blonde hair, which is pretty "ehhh", but okay. We had only our faces to define our cuteness. ;)
Looking back at the pictures, I seemed hesitant and withdrawn, almost shy.
HA! This has changed.
I think all four of us kids can agree that Gordon was the cutest baby over-all, Sonja was the fattest with chipmunk cheeks, I was the one who screamed the most and Alexander had the biggest head.
For the record, I don't want to be remembered under my R.I.P as "The Screamer".
That's a ride in WaterCountry.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
My Prom Date and Tears
I was so nervous.
Shenna had already told me that she'd come with me to the homeschool prom, but I had to ask her in public at youth group.
She's my Doctor Who pal, so I worked up the courage to come up with something funny.
"Make it cheesy! I love cheesy."
I gave her a hunk of cheese. And crackers. With the help of Bekah, Naomie and Skyler, I asked her in front of the youth group.
"She may sound crackers..."
"And this may be a little cheesy..."
"But will you please--"
She said yes! Again! Thanks, Sheener.
Tonight, I had a lot of stuff weighing on me about the future.
And without telling anyone, when Maryanne asked for a volunteer to get prayer, I asked for it. Everyone gathered around and some people laid their hands on me. People were saying stuff like "I feel like you're afraid of the unknown right now" or "You can't see what's ahead and that's really putting pressure on you" and "graduation and all your work is really daunting". Every single word that people gave and prayed brought me peace--that is after I burst into tears.
God is so good. He gives us the right words when we need them the most and I'm grateful.
Song of the Day: The Climb - Miley Cyrus (my friend Micah told me that this is the song she was thinking about when they all prayed for me.) "I can almost see it/That dream I'm dreamin'/but there's a voice inside me sayin' "You'll never reach it"/...but I've gotta keep strong/Just keep pushing on/ there's always gonna be an uphill battle."
Verse of the Day: Psalm 121: 1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
Shenna had already told me that she'd come with me to the homeschool prom, but I had to ask her in public at youth group.
She's my Doctor Who pal, so I worked up the courage to come up with something funny.
"Make it cheesy! I love cheesy."
I gave her a hunk of cheese. And crackers. With the help of Bekah, Naomie and Skyler, I asked her in front of the youth group.
"She may sound crackers..."
"And this may be a little cheesy..."
"But will you please--"
She said yes! Again! Thanks, Sheener.
Tonight, I had a lot of stuff weighing on me about the future.
And without telling anyone, when Maryanne asked for a volunteer to get prayer, I asked for it. Everyone gathered around and some people laid their hands on me. People were saying stuff like "I feel like you're afraid of the unknown right now" or "You can't see what's ahead and that's really putting pressure on you" and "graduation and all your work is really daunting". Every single word that people gave and prayed brought me peace--that is after I burst into tears.
God is so good. He gives us the right words when we need them the most and I'm grateful.
Song of the Day: The Climb - Miley Cyrus (my friend Micah told me that this is the song she was thinking about when they all prayed for me.) "I can almost see it/That dream I'm dreamin'/but there's a voice inside me sayin' "You'll never reach it"/...but I've gotta keep strong/Just keep pushing on/ there's always gonna be an uphill battle."
Verse of the Day: Psalm 121: 1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The Lord watches over you—
the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
7 The Lord will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;
8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.
he will watch over your life;
8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Aaaaaand, yet again I'm disappointed by a Nicholas Sparks movie.
People rave about A Walk to Remember and The Notebook, but there's always something that just really bugs me. [Let's ignore The Last Song, though. It's not even...no. Just, no.] WARNING: Spoilers ahead.
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Iconic picture is iconic. |
Allie: Hmm, the guy who I was totally in love with when I was immature and only seventeen, and who I argued with more than is actually healthy--or the guy who was totally sweet and forgiving when he found out I slept with the aforementioned guy? Decisions, decisions.
"Come on, V, they were in love!"
Well, imaginary defensive friend, that's not a reason for her to be unfaithful to her fiance and then tell the guy whom she cheated with that she can't leave her fiance to be with him.
Um...guys, hellooooo, don't you realize she's being a jerk to the both of ya?
I personally prefer it when the "heroes" are actual heroes with morals and don't have a reason for me to dislike them immensely. Someone who acts impulsively and without honor isn't a hero.
Sure, heroes fail and fall and they're not perfect. But this is the movies. It's not supposed to be realistic. I want the "Happily ever after" stories.
And that ending was so depressing.
I suppose romantic movies that are just about romance aren't for me. Obviously, I get too worked up about them.
Anyhow, I'd rather watch The Italian Job with the guys.
On another note, thank you to those who read my blog!
I've heard from several of you and I'm delighted that you get some enjoyment out of this. I'm enjoying it too. :)
Verse of the Day: 1 Corinthians 13: " 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."
Song of the Day: Dark Waltz - Hayley Westenra (so beautiful, her voice will knock you silly.)
Friday, April 19, 2013
Runny Noses and a Beautiful Life
All I was doing was watching an art lecture at Ben's.
The boys were bored to tears and my mind was wandering over so many different areas--from present drama to past experiences.
My stomach began to ache with anxiety.
I don't consider myself to be that anxious, but now that things are changing so much in my life and I'm faced with tough decisions and I have to leave so much behind, the anxiety and mini panic-attacks have been clogging my life.
Graduation terrifies me.
The idea of high school being over brings tears to my eyes. And no, I won't miss the homework. But the lovely teachers and my friends that I see and interact with because of these classes won't be there anymore. My life will go on to other, strange, new things.
I really just want to experience the beautiful.
Nothing is worse than feeling anxious and having a runny nose when you want a beautiful life.
When asked by a lady in my church what I would rather be doing, I came up with a list:
And more acceptance from others about what I want to do with my life. I tell people that I want to do missions work for the foreseeable future, and they scoff.
But that is my dream.
It's my calling and for someone to take your dream and crush it under a weigh of that's-not-good-enough's and live-life-for-you's, you will feel sick. And inadequate.
You finally chose to ignore a selfish lifestyle and you're told to pick it back up again?!
Honestly, I don't want that.
It's not beautiful enough. It sounds very Jesus-less. And I want more Jesus and less of me.
Call me crazy, but I don't want to live my life, molding my personality and never focusing on things outside of myself.
That's not to say that other people are selfish and self-focused. This is only my own self that I'm speaking of.
To those kids who want to live what's called the "Set-apart Life", I'm with you on this one.
It's something worth striving for.
Because, Jesus.
The boys were bored to tears and my mind was wandering over so many different areas--from present drama to past experiences.
My stomach began to ache with anxiety.
I don't consider myself to be that anxious, but now that things are changing so much in my life and I'm faced with tough decisions and I have to leave so much behind, the anxiety and mini panic-attacks have been clogging my life.
Graduation terrifies me.
The idea of high school being over brings tears to my eyes. And no, I won't miss the homework. But the lovely teachers and my friends that I see and interact with because of these classes won't be there anymore. My life will go on to other, strange, new things.
I really just want to experience the beautiful.
Nothing is worse than feeling anxious and having a runny nose when you want a beautiful life.
When asked by a lady in my church what I would rather be doing, I came up with a list:
"I would read every single book I've ever bought or picked up from the free-box at the library. I would drink strawberry-mango smoothies and go on moon-dates at the beach (I'd suggest it to anyone who hasn't tried it!). I would walk throughout Rochester, checking out the little shops I've never gone into.Going so far as to add more to those wishes, I would want a mind of peace.
I would ride a really, really, REALLY big roller coaster that I'm petrified of."
And more acceptance from others about what I want to do with my life. I tell people that I want to do missions work for the foreseeable future, and they scoff.
But that is my dream.
It's my calling and for someone to take your dream and crush it under a weigh of that's-not-good-enough's and live-life-for-you's, you will feel sick. And inadequate.
You finally chose to ignore a selfish lifestyle and you're told to pick it back up again?!
Honestly, I don't want that.
It's not beautiful enough. It sounds very Jesus-less. And I want more Jesus and less of me.
Call me crazy, but I don't want to live my life, molding my personality and never focusing on things outside of myself.
That's not to say that other people are selfish and self-focused. This is only my own self that I'm speaking of.
To those kids who want to live what's called the "Set-apart Life", I'm with you on this one.
It's something worth striving for.
Because, Jesus.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
British Men
Tonight was one of those nights in which I scratch my head in confusion.
How I got into a discussion with a bunch of guys over which male celebrities are attractive, I do not know.
Perhaps it started with a discussion about Chris and Liam Hemsworth and which was girly, etc.
I've come to the decision that the reason I like British/Australian actors more than American is because I view them as being so much more classy. And I really love classy people.
I cheered when watching The Italian Job tonight, 'cause one of the guys wanted a library of first editions rather than loose women.
But to be honest, it's mostly their accents and their tendencies to look different from each other.
Seriously, in any BBC drama, every single actor or actress is unique and looks like a NORMAL human being that doesn't have a symmetrical face!
My favorites include (usually playing dark, brooding figures):
All of these men are so classy and lovely. I would have added my favorite actresses, but they are far and few and not necessarily British.

I mean, come on. Who can resist a man with a cravat?
How I got into a discussion with a bunch of guys over which male celebrities are attractive, I do not know.
Perhaps it started with a discussion about Chris and Liam Hemsworth and which was girly, etc.
I've come to the decision that the reason I like British/Australian actors more than American is because I view them as being so much more classy. And I really love classy people.
I cheered when watching The Italian Job tonight, 'cause one of the guys wanted a library of first editions rather than loose women.
But to be honest, it's mostly their accents and their tendencies to look different from each other.
Seriously, in any BBC drama, every single actor or actress is unique and looks like a NORMAL human being that doesn't have a symmetrical face!
My favorites include (usually playing dark, brooding figures):
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Jude Law |
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The very sweet Hugh Jackman |
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Benedict Cumberbatch |
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Martin Freeman (The Hedgehog) |
David Tennant (look at that cheeky face!) |
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Heath Ledger |
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Richard Armitage |

I mean, come on. Who can resist a man with a cravat?
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Kindred Spirits
You know that moment?
I'm talking about when you find a person who just gets the way you think, feel and act. They don't necessarily agree with everything you say, but share many similar opinions with you.
Tonight, someone agreed that Mockingjay was depressing and without hope.
And she understood about writing from one's heart and sharing it with the world and the fear that seizes you when you let that novel (basically your child) go out into the great unknown, ready to be criticized for what you've conceived.
It's that moment when you're all alone in a strange, new place--a five year old, terrified of strangers--and a cute little girl comes up and grabs your hand.
"Let's play!"
Her face is the sunshine and her smile seems to sparkle.
By the end of the day, you're best friends. And nothing will break that bond.
She becomes that girl who you don't mind holding hands with in public.
People can look at you and think whatever they want, but you've got to show her how much you love her, darn it!
This girl will be the one you dance with at the mall on the tile floors that change colors.
She'll be the one who loves to go to the Salvation Army and buy stuffy, old books with you.
And she's the one you pray with long into the night instead of giggling about boys.
But the giggling's important, too.
Verse of the Day: Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."
Song of the Day: Forever Yours - Alex Day
I'm talking about when you find a person who just gets the way you think, feel and act. They don't necessarily agree with everything you say, but share many similar opinions with you.
Tonight, someone agreed that Mockingjay was depressing and without hope.
And she understood about writing from one's heart and sharing it with the world and the fear that seizes you when you let that novel (basically your child) go out into the great unknown, ready to be criticized for what you've conceived.
It's that moment when you're all alone in a strange, new place--a five year old, terrified of strangers--and a cute little girl comes up and grabs your hand.
"Let's play!"
Her face is the sunshine and her smile seems to sparkle.
By the end of the day, you're best friends. And nothing will break that bond.
She becomes that girl who you don't mind holding hands with in public.
People can look at you and think whatever they want, but you've got to show her how much you love her, darn it!
"A bosom friend--an intimate friend, you know--a really kindred spirit to whom I can confide my inmost soul." -Anne Shirley
This girl will be the one you dance with at the mall on the tile floors that change colors.
She'll be the one who loves to go to the Salvation Army and buy stuffy, old books with you.
And she's the one you pray with long into the night instead of giggling about boys.
But the giggling's important, too.
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And it will be forever mine and it will be forever yours. |
Song of the Day: Forever Yours - Alex Day
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Titanic and What My Dog Did.
Tonight I sat down to watch the very long movie that I've heard so many raves about. People call it "a classic", an "epic motion picture" and I didn't believe them.
But they were right.
You can scoff and say "Titanic is such a pansy movie," and if by that, you mean it's a tear-jerker, then yes. But I think if you go into anything with the idea that you'll hate it, you're already doing it wrong.
Titanic was a gorgeous film, with a strange (but wonderfully intriguing) love-story and two lead actors that were wonderful to watch interact.
Kate Winslet is just adorable. She's genuine AND beautiful.
Leo is just cute and very American.
Most striking moments were when the tail-end of the ship is sinking and the passengers fall screaming to their deaths. Crashing, monstrous waves, women shrieking and seeing Jack and Rose hold tight to the rail as they sink is kind of, well--terrifying.
And then there's the conversation between Jack and Rose as he's clutching her hand, half-frozen and waiting for the help that came too late.
Rose: I love you, Jack.
Jack: Don't you do that, don't say your good-byes. Not yet, do you understand me?
Rose: I'm so cold.
Jack: Listen, Rose. You're gonna get out of here, you're gonna go on and you're gonna make lots of babies, and you're gonna watch them grow. You're gonna die an old... an old lady warm in her bed, not here, not this night. Not like this, do you understand me?
Rose: I can't feel my body.
Jack: Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me... it brought me to you. And I'm thankful for that, Rose. I'm thankful. You must do me this honor. Promise me you'll survive. That you won't give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and never let go of that promise.
Rose: I promise.
Jack: Never let go.
Rose: I'll never let go, Jack. I'll never let go.
[Que sob from Victoria]
And if this is just too much cheese for your tastes, wait till you hear about the credits.
Alexander and I were quietly listening to Celine Dion as she crooned about her heart going on and on and on and on and...
It got to the point in the song where the drums start pounding, the music swells and she wails out the final lines.
At that moment, Jedi stands straight up and stretches majestically, looking something like THIS:
Good dog.
What a diva.
But they were right.
You can scoff and say "Titanic is such a pansy movie," and if by that, you mean it's a tear-jerker, then yes. But I think if you go into anything with the idea that you'll hate it, you're already doing it wrong.
Titanic was a gorgeous film, with a strange (but wonderfully intriguing) love-story and two lead actors that were wonderful to watch interact.
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Lovely scene. |
Leo is just cute and very American.
Most striking moments were when the tail-end of the ship is sinking and the passengers fall screaming to their deaths. Crashing, monstrous waves, women shrieking and seeing Jack and Rose hold tight to the rail as they sink is kind of, well--terrifying.
And then there's the conversation between Jack and Rose as he's clutching her hand, half-frozen and waiting for the help that came too late.
Rose: I love you, Jack.
Jack: Don't you do that, don't say your good-byes. Not yet, do you understand me?
Rose: I'm so cold.
Jack: Listen, Rose. You're gonna get out of here, you're gonna go on and you're gonna make lots of babies, and you're gonna watch them grow. You're gonna die an old... an old lady warm in her bed, not here, not this night. Not like this, do you understand me?
Rose: I can't feel my body.
Jack: Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me... it brought me to you. And I'm thankful for that, Rose. I'm thankful. You must do me this honor. Promise me you'll survive. That you won't give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and never let go of that promise.
Rose: I promise.
Jack: Never let go.
Rose: I'll never let go, Jack. I'll never let go.
[Que sob from Victoria]
And if this is just too much cheese for your tastes, wait till you hear about the credits.
Alexander and I were quietly listening to Celine Dion as she crooned about her heart going on and on and on and on and...
It got to the point in the song where the drums start pounding, the music swells and she wails out the final lines.
At that moment, Jedi stands straight up and stretches majestically, looking something like THIS:
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Youuuu're heeeree/There's nothing I feeearrr and I know that my heart will go onnnnn. |
Good dog.
What a diva.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Hope and Tragedy
I hate bad news. Tragic news.
I cried in church over the Newtown shooting, and now this. And countless other things happening that just make this world a sucky, terrible reality. It's horrible. Disgusting. I can't express how bad it is in any words, though I try. I don't understand the suffering and I can't comprehend it. I have experienced it in small measures, but nothing like this.
What do you even SAY?! "My heart goes out to them", "Praying for them", "Feeling for the families" "Sorry for your loss"? What meaningless words. A heart behind them, but after a while, words don't mean anything. Just words, words, words--as Hamlet would say. And when each catastrophe happens, will the only thing we can say be "My thoughts are with you"?
No. That's stupid. That's horrendous and impersonal and....ARGH.
My reality goes beyond this. I sincerely believe that Jesus Christ will come back and there won't be any more loss or terror or suffering.
And someone may scorn my faith or call me insensitive to switch the focus. But it's not switching the focus, it's finding the hope that Jesus offers in terrible moments throughout life when we find ourselves feeling hopeless.
Let each person hold on to whatever it is that uplifts at a moment like this.
In case you have no idea about the Boston story, here:
I hope others have a hope to cling to. Mine is that this will all end soon.
"Go in peace! I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil.”Verse of the Day: Revelations 21:4 "He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever."
― J.R.R. Tolkien (I might add that those who don't weep are not really admitting their feelings to themselves.)
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Cupcakes and The Art of Head-Bopping
Well, today I had two cupcakes: both chocolate, but one had vanilla frosting and the other had chocolate frosting.
Upon inquiring of the two Murray boys which was better, they both pointed to the vanilla.
But they were wrong.
Terribly wrong.
In other news, on the way home from youth group, Alexander and I head-bopped to this song in the car: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMAm05cNac4
Now, besides keeping in mind that head-bopping might not be the best thing to do while driving, you should realize that it's an art.
Anyone can enjoy a song, but a true enjoyer will sing along and act incredibly silly while doing it. Regardless of other people watching at a crowded intersection when everyone's at a stand-still, you better ROCK OUT to Kelly Clarkson's "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)". Or follow Dean Winchester's example:
Do not live in fear. Life's too short.
Song of the Day: Beautiful Day - U2
Verse of the Day: Colossians 3:23-24 "23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."
Upon inquiring of the two Murray boys which was better, they both pointed to the vanilla.
But they were wrong.
Terribly wrong.
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loser. |
Now, besides keeping in mind that head-bopping might not be the best thing to do while driving, you should realize that it's an art.
Anyone can enjoy a song, but a true enjoyer will sing along and act incredibly silly while doing it. Regardless of other people watching at a crowded intersection when everyone's at a stand-still, you better ROCK OUT to Kelly Clarkson's "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)". Or follow Dean Winchester's example:
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"It's the Eye of the Tiger, it's the thrill of the fight!" |
Song of the Day: Beautiful Day - U2
Verse of the Day: Colossians 3:23-24 "23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Allons-y, Alonzo! [I Explain Doctor Who]
To begin, let me warn you that this show is weird.
You definitely have to give it a few episodes before you give up. Trust me, David Tennant makes up for Christopher Eccleston!
Doctor Who is about a 900 year-old alien (called the Doctor) flying through time and space in his time machine, the TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space). Usually his favorite stop is Planet Earth, where he runs into some exceptional human (more often that not, a young woman who falls desperately in love with him and who has a terribly boring life) and asks that human to become his traveling companion.
They then fly throughout the universe, back and forth, 'tween the past and future, landing in all sorts of trouble. The monsters they run into range from corny, to weird, to down-right pee-in-your-pants-scary!
The Doctor, a Time Lord from the destroyed planet of Gallifrey, has two hearts and a kooky sense of humor, which will always brings a huge grin to my face. To keep the series going throughout the years, the creators wrote that the Doctor regenerates his body everytime he comes close to death.
There have been eleven Doctors in all, each one different and strange.

For the record, I'm a loyal Tennant-lover, the last Doctor before Matt Smith. How can you resist his crazy grin and marvelous hair?? But more than that, his version of the Doctor was marvelous.
The companions are generally pretty and young, with a few exceptions in the form of Mickey, Captain Jack Harkness and Rory Williams.

Give it a chance, and I promise you'll love Rory.
Or maybe you'll fall for one of the companions!

Either way, you'll fall for the Doctor.
I know I have. :)

You definitely have to give it a few episodes before you give up. Trust me, David Tennant makes up for Christopher Eccleston!
Doctor Who is about a 900 year-old alien (called the Doctor) flying through time and space in his time machine, the TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space). Usually his favorite stop is Planet Earth, where he runs into some exceptional human (more often that not, a young woman who falls desperately in love with him and who has a terribly boring life) and asks that human to become his traveling companion.
They then fly throughout the universe, back and forth, 'tween the past and future, landing in all sorts of trouble. The monsters they run into range from corny, to weird, to down-right pee-in-your-pants-scary!
The Doctor, a Time Lord from the destroyed planet of Gallifrey, has two hearts and a kooky sense of humor, which will always brings a huge grin to my face. To keep the series going throughout the years, the creators wrote that the Doctor regenerates his body everytime he comes close to death.
There have been eleven Doctors in all, each one different and strange.

For the record, I'm a loyal Tennant-lover, the last Doctor before Matt Smith. How can you resist his crazy grin and marvelous hair?? But more than that, his version of the Doctor was marvelous.
The companions are generally pretty and young, with a few exceptions in the form of Mickey, Captain Jack Harkness and Rory Williams.

Give it a chance, and I promise you'll love Rory.
Or maybe you'll fall for one of the companions!

Either way, you'll fall for the Doctor.
I know I have. :)

Oh, that face. |
Friday, April 12, 2013
Beastly: A Modern Beauty and the Beast
The book was better. |
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Beauty and the Beast is the best. |
Tonight I watched Beastly, starring Vanessa Hudgens and Alex Pettyfer--a modern adaptation of Beauty and the Beast. Originally, it was a really awesome book about a good-looking teenager who humiliates a witch, causing her to turn his face ugly, hoping it will teach him a valuable lesson. His handsome, rich father is embarrassed and upset that nothing can be done for him, and has him stay in a house away from prying eyes. It's the classic "make someone fall in love with you"/"get kissed by your true love" story, and it's great.
Just great.
But the movie can rarely match up to the book. I mean, name on that has? Besides The Lord of the Rings (and some would debate that strongly). My favorite character was the blind tutor, played by Neil Patrick Harris. A riot! A realist in a movie I couldn't really take that seriously.
Alex Pettyfer's acting was good, but his character was selfish and super-creepy, stalking the girl who could ultimately break the spell for him, and he basically kidnaps her, under the guise of protecting her from fiends and ruffians.
Also, maybe it's just me, but I really preferred Vanessa Hudgens when she was giggling over Troy Bolton in the High School Musical movies.

She was unbelievably adorable.
Unfortunately, not so in this movie. She was dark and bitter and had a sucky life. Typical non-stereotypical awesome girl, who has no friends and listens to beautiful music, likes poetry and flowers...are there actually girls like this? I know a few really interesting, lovely ladies that are original and don't fit into our society's norm, but our favorite heroines tend to be the cooler-than-cool ones; girls who don't actually exist. They also happen to be the girl-next-door-type.
How does that work?
If you prefer books to movies, then please read Beastly.
I'd say "read it anyway" but that never convinced any of my friends. ;)
Or, if you like the old fairy-tale, but want a new perspective, then I'd suggest Beauty by Robin McKinley. It really is a lovely book to read and one of my favorites. You could even ask me to borrow my copy and I would say yes.
Song of the Day: Sweet Disposition - The Temper Trap http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-ENipUB8NI
Verse of the Day: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Huckleberry Finn Hair.
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You can suggest a number, if you'd like. :) And yes, they all look similar.
This isn't an official blogpost of the day, by the way. That'll come later.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Footloose and Slender Man
Kevin Bacon.
Besides hearing about him on Gilmore Girls, I hadn't ever seen him. And I found him quite adorable, in a really weird way.
What's absolutely hilarious to me is that I thought he resembled David Bowie and the mom character says to him "You can look like David Bowie some other day."

The Goblin King (AKA David Bowie)
The movie was pretty fantastic. In general, I love dance movies! And this was the sort of dance movie that even guys would like. After all, there was enough punching and cussing and comical moments that you wouldn't have to label it a girly movie. It's slightly cooler than 10 Things I Hate About You.
Tonight, I was over at Gordon's house, just chillin' with the boys. Melissa had left, so we watched a cartoon called Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, which was terribly depressing and WAY too colorful. What is it with kids and the need for so many colors?
But it got scary, because Ben brought out his laptop and told me to play the game Slender.
The premise of the computer game is that you wander around a dark forest, trying to find 8 notes left around. You have a flashlight and can walk or sprint, but only so much. If you sprint too much, you use it all up and are stuck with creeping slowly around. The whole time, you're trying to avoid Slender Man--a terrifying blank-faced individual wearing a pin-stripe suit who will grab you from behind or catch you in front, causing your screen to fuzz.
We didn't end up playing it, but Ben turned off the lights and we all squished up on the couch to watch a video of a guy nervously playing the game in the dark. He kept muttering and giggling to prove to himself that he wasn't afraid, while the whole time I'm sitting there holding hard onto my blanket and hyperventilating.
It's all terror till that moment he appears on your screen.
You scream.
Besides hearing about him on Gilmore Girls, I hadn't ever seen him. And I found him quite adorable, in a really weird way.
What's absolutely hilarious to me is that I thought he resembled David Bowie and the mom character says to him "You can look like David Bowie some other day."

The Goblin King (AKA David Bowie)
The movie was pretty fantastic. In general, I love dance movies! And this was the sort of dance movie that even guys would like. After all, there was enough punching and cussing and comical moments that you wouldn't have to label it a girly movie. It's slightly cooler than 10 Things I Hate About You.
Tonight, I was over at Gordon's house, just chillin' with the boys. Melissa had left, so we watched a cartoon called Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, which was terribly depressing and WAY too colorful. What is it with kids and the need for so many colors?
But it got scary, because Ben brought out his laptop and told me to play the game Slender.
The premise of the computer game is that you wander around a dark forest, trying to find 8 notes left around. You have a flashlight and can walk or sprint, but only so much. If you sprint too much, you use it all up and are stuck with creeping slowly around. The whole time, you're trying to avoid Slender Man--a terrifying blank-faced individual wearing a pin-stripe suit who will grab you from behind or catch you in front, causing your screen to fuzz.
We didn't end up playing it, but Ben turned off the lights and we all squished up on the couch to watch a video of a guy nervously playing the game in the dark. He kept muttering and giggling to prove to himself that he wasn't afraid, while the whole time I'm sitting there holding hard onto my blanket and hyperventilating.
It's all terror till that moment he appears on your screen.
You scream.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Darth Vader and Daddy-Hugs
Tonight I went over to a home group with some absolutely wonderful people.
Delicious food that I really should have only tasted, but consumed quite quickly, rendered me with an upset stomach.
Everyone around me was laughing and joking with each other, usually several pairs scattered across the adjoining rooms.
A few were quiet and engaged in deep conversations while others roared about "that actor who did the voice of Darth Vader", and "hey--wasn't he actually black?"

There were staring contests that resulted in talks about boys that can make themselves cry, guys with their Nothing boxes and a complicated question like "So if guys are like, herbivores and vegetables, then are girls carnivores with their minds and like, well, meat?"
I'm still non-plussed by that. And perhaps a little insulted...but he was trying to explain and I just didn't get it.
First impressions are funny that way.
I cried tonight too.
Sincerity in others tends to turn me to mush, when they've got the, uh, thing with the, um, eyes and they're, like, shiny and sincere...
Delicious food that I really should have only tasted, but consumed quite quickly, rendered me with an upset stomach.
Everyone around me was laughing and joking with each other, usually several pairs scattered across the adjoining rooms.
A few were quiet and engaged in deep conversations while others roared about "that actor who did the voice of Darth Vader", and "hey--wasn't he actually black?"

There were staring contests that resulted in talks about boys that can make themselves cry, guys with their Nothing boxes and a complicated question like "So if guys are like, herbivores and vegetables, then are girls carnivores with their minds and like, well, meat?"
I'm still non-plussed by that. And perhaps a little insulted...but he was trying to explain and I just didn't get it.
First impressions are funny that way.
I cried tonight too.
Sincerity in others tends to turn me to mush, when they've got the, uh, thing with the, um, eyes and they're, like, shiny and sincere...
I left that place, wanting to come back immediately and enjoy people's company.
Plus, I got a lot of Daddy-hugs. :) It seemed like all the men just wanted everyone to feel loved and noticed. I think the whole world needs a Daddy-Hug. Warm and understanding, without judgement. Just love.
Good-night, world.
Verse of the Day: Psalm 68:5 "A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows,
is God in his holy dwelling."
is God in his holy dwelling."
Song of the Day: This Will Be - Natalie Cole
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Haircuts and God's perfect Love.
Was looking through short haircuts earlier and came across this handsome gent.
Does anyone else love Jude Law? Ever since "The Holiday" I have a major crush on him!

Today was great.
Tonight, I made a bowl of parmesan popped-corn (so yummy) and headed over to the Bujeauds with Tim Murray for some worship time with David.
Cool thing is, God meets you anywhere. Even in the upper sections of a garage. :)
"Where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is freedom."
Just think about that for a second.
We believe that the Holy Spirit resides in our hearts. Then wouldn't that mean that we have freedom in our hearts that comes from Him?
Bingo, Victoria! You say.
Why thank you, my friend. :)
But seriously, God is good. He is Awesome. His perfect love casts out all fear (that includes your future plans and the things in your life).
Verse of the Day: 1 John 4:18: "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love."
Song of the Day: You Are - Colton Dixon (SUCH a good song!)
"If I had no voice, if I had no tongue, I would dance for you like the rising sun."
Does anyone else love Jude Law? Ever since "The Holiday" I have a major crush on him!

Today was great.
Tonight, I made a bowl of parmesan popped-corn (so yummy) and headed over to the Bujeauds with Tim Murray for some worship time with David.
Cool thing is, God meets you anywhere. Even in the upper sections of a garage. :)
"Where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is freedom."
Just think about that for a second.
We believe that the Holy Spirit resides in our hearts. Then wouldn't that mean that we have freedom in our hearts that comes from Him?
Bingo, Victoria! You say.
Why thank you, my friend. :)
But seriously, God is good. He is Awesome. His perfect love casts out all fear (that includes your future plans and the things in your life).
Verse of the Day: 1 John 4:18: "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love."
Song of the Day: You Are - Colton Dixon (SUCH a good song!)
"If I had no voice, if I had no tongue, I would dance for you like the rising sun."

Monday, April 8, 2013
The Brownie Batter
The cook has 'em!
Basically, this means that whatever you create in the kitchen, you have every right to taste-test at any point. Like brownie batter!
Tonight I made brownies and they're now sitting on the stove, the delicious scent wafting into the study as I type. Chocolate is a gift from God, my friend. So we shall partake of it.
I hope you're all having a wonderful evening!
And now, brownies:

Song of the Day: Honeybee - Steam Powered Giraffe
Verse of the Day: 2 Chronicles 16:9 "For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him." (This verse had a special meaning to me today, thanks to my wonderful math tutor!)
The cook has 'em!
Basically, this means that whatever you create in the kitchen, you have every right to taste-test at any point. Like brownie batter!
Tonight I made brownies and they're now sitting on the stove, the delicious scent wafting into the study as I type. Chocolate is a gift from God, my friend. So we shall partake of it.
I hope you're all having a wonderful evening!
And now, brownies:
Song of the Day: Honeybee - Steam Powered Giraffe
Verse of the Day: 2 Chronicles 16:9 "For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him." (This verse had a special meaning to me today, thanks to my wonderful math tutor!)
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Out of the mud and mire.
So this was my day: A major turn-around. A wake-up call.
Basically, Jesus lifted me out of the mud and mire and set my feet on a rock when I needed Him. :)
I don't want you to ever doubt that Jesus loves you and forgave you long ago.
"I'll raise a banner, 'cause my Lord has conquered the grave. My redeemer lives!"
This is how I feel right now:

Song of the Day: Love Has Come - Mark Schultz
Verse of the Day: 1 John 4:16 "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them."
Basically, Jesus lifted me out of the mud and mire and set my feet on a rock when I needed Him. :)
I don't want you to ever doubt that Jesus loves you and forgave you long ago.
"I'll raise a banner, 'cause my Lord has conquered the grave. My redeemer lives!"
This is how I feel right now:

Song of the Day: Love Has Come - Mark Schultz
Verse of the Day: 1 John 4:16 "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them."
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Sweat, Pizza and Friends!
Today I helped friends move into their new house.
It was great, because a lot of people from my church were there and we joked around about where all the heavy boxes had to go.
"Oh. My, that's big. Third floor?"
"Third floor."
And I had pizza from Little Caesar's. Yumm-O!
What better reward for sweating buckets than to get that?? I can think of none.
When I got home, Mom had made a delicious supper of home-made pizza.
Just earlier I had lamented how we'd switched to the frozen version after years of making it ourselves and then my mom creates this wonderful, crunchy, cheesy goodness that I can EATANDAPPRECIATE. [Thanks, Mom. ;)]
Obviously, today was wonderful.
And then my friend Mary Jane came over.
I haven't seen her in 7 months. And when we met at the door, we just had this huge embrace. It was like this:

I love her.
She's awesome.
Thanks for being my guidance counselor and sitting by the "couch" with your "pad of paper", MJ. <3 Fellow R.Armitage.-lover.
It was great, because a lot of people from my church were there and we joked around about where all the heavy boxes had to go.
"Oh. My, that's big. Third floor?"
"Third floor."
And I had pizza from Little Caesar's. Yumm-O!
What better reward for sweating buckets than to get that?? I can think of none.
When I got home, Mom had made a delicious supper of home-made pizza.
Just earlier I had lamented how we'd switched to the frozen version after years of making it ourselves and then my mom creates this wonderful, crunchy, cheesy goodness that I can EATANDAPPRECIATE. [Thanks, Mom. ;)]
Obviously, today was wonderful.
And then my friend Mary Jane came over.
I haven't seen her in 7 months. And when we met at the door, we just had this huge embrace. It was like this:
I love her.
She's awesome.
Thanks for being my guidance counselor and sitting by the "couch" with your "pad of paper", MJ. <3 Fellow R.Armitage.-lover.
Friday, April 5, 2013
"No. I am your father."
"Anyone who Tweets at me "Luke, I am your father" is a silly Gungan. The line is "No, I am your father." Friends don't let friends... etc." -Corey Vidal
So, why is it that we quote things wrong all the time? It's like we, as a society, are all just failing together.
After all, how many of the things we quote and joke about have we actually seen? I quote things that friends have quoted and I will quote the quote WRONG.
It's my own fault for trying to be funny.
Don't make the joke if you can't understand it to it's full hilarity.
Dirty Harry (1971)
What People Say: “Do you feel lucky, punk?"
What The Film Really Said: "Ah, I know what you're thinking, punk. You're thinking, 'Did he fire six shots or only five?' Well, to tell you the truth, I've forgotten myself in all this excitement. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya punk?"
If We’re Going To Get It Wrong, Why Not: “Excuse me, sir, but current police guidelines mean I am required to inform you of the still-loaded nature of my weapon. I would also warn you that it is statistically likely that you will face a life-terminating situation should I discharge it.”
The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
What People Say: "Luke, I am your father."
What The Film Really Said: "No. I am your father."
And for the pedantic among you, the line said on camera was “Obi Wan killed your father.” The dub was made to include the twist.
If We’re Going To Get It Wrong, Why Not: “Luke… I’ve got something to tell you. You know that Princess you kissed? It’s sort of awkward… Oh, and sorry about the hand.”
Casablanca (1942)
What People Say: "Play it again, Sam."
What The Film Really Said: "You played it for her, you can play it for me. If she can stand it, I can. Play it!"
If We’re Going To Get It Wrong, Why Not: “Do you know chopsticks?”
The Wizard Of Oz (1939)
What People Say: “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore, Toto.”
What The Film Really Said: " Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” Yeah, it’s not far wrong, but it is wrong.
If We’re Going To Get It Wrong, Why Not: “Holy cow, Toto! The whole world’s gone Technicolor!”
-20 Most Misquoted Movie Lines
Song(s) of the Day: When I Was Your Man - Bruno Mars [Alexander and I would calmly take each other's hand when he croons "and held your haaaAaand."]
Stay - Rihanna ['cause it came on, like, twice. And it's pretty.]
Verse(s) of the Day: [Ephesians]"10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand."
So, why is it that we quote things wrong all the time? It's like we, as a society, are all just failing together.
After all, how many of the things we quote and joke about have we actually seen? I quote things that friends have quoted and I will quote the quote WRONG.
It's my own fault for trying to be funny.
Don't make the joke if you can't understand it to it's full hilarity.
Dirty Harry (1971)
What People Say: “Do you feel lucky, punk?"
What The Film Really Said: "Ah, I know what you're thinking, punk. You're thinking, 'Did he fire six shots or only five?' Well, to tell you the truth, I've forgotten myself in all this excitement. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya punk?"
If We’re Going To Get It Wrong, Why Not: “Excuse me, sir, but current police guidelines mean I am required to inform you of the still-loaded nature of my weapon. I would also warn you that it is statistically likely that you will face a life-terminating situation should I discharge it.”
The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
What People Say: "Luke, I am your father."
What The Film Really Said: "No. I am your father."
And for the pedantic among you, the line said on camera was “Obi Wan killed your father.” The dub was made to include the twist.
If We’re Going To Get It Wrong, Why Not: “Luke… I’ve got something to tell you. You know that Princess you kissed? It’s sort of awkward… Oh, and sorry about the hand.”
Casablanca (1942)
What People Say: "Play it again, Sam."
What The Film Really Said: "You played it for her, you can play it for me. If she can stand it, I can. Play it!"
If We’re Going To Get It Wrong, Why Not: “Do you know chopsticks?”
The Wizard Of Oz (1939)
What People Say: “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore, Toto.”
What The Film Really Said: " Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” Yeah, it’s not far wrong, but it is wrong.
If We’re Going To Get It Wrong, Why Not: “Holy cow, Toto! The whole world’s gone Technicolor!”
-20 Most Misquoted Movie Lines
Song(s) of the Day: When I Was Your Man - Bruno Mars [Alexander and I would calmly take each other's hand when he croons "and held your haaaAaand."]
Stay - Rihanna ['cause it came on, like, twice. And it's pretty.]
Verse(s) of the Day: [Ephesians]"10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand."
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Oatmeal raisin cookies: Abominations or a delight?
They're humiliated grapes, sure.
But how could anyone dismiss the cookies that I slaved over, that happen to taste delicious, just because of the presence of a few little raisins?
Those poor, little dears. Yummy, but they have no life and no juice.
"They were once grapes!"
"Yes, but they aren't anymore," he said. "I'm sure your cookies are amazing. Delicious, even. But I cannot take anything with raisins!"
If something is amazing and delicious and has only one con against it, shouldn't you perhaps try it without disnmissing outright? Otherwise, I would never have eaten chick-peas last night in the delicious dish my mommy had made.
You're missing out, my friend.
Song of the Day: "I Dreamed A Dream" - Les Miserables [I sang/shrieked this song into Alexander's ear, today. He loved it.]
Verse of the Day: "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them."
~ Romans 8:28
They're humiliated grapes, sure.
But how could anyone dismiss the cookies that I slaved over, that happen to taste delicious, just because of the presence of a few little raisins?
Those poor, little dears. Yummy, but they have no life and no juice.
"They were once grapes!"
"Yes, but they aren't anymore," he said. "I'm sure your cookies are amazing. Delicious, even. But I cannot take anything with raisins!"
If something is amazing and delicious and has only one con against it, shouldn't you perhaps try it without disnmissing outright? Otherwise, I would never have eaten chick-peas last night in the delicious dish my mommy had made.
You're missing out, my friend.
Song of the Day: "I Dreamed A Dream" - Les Miserables [I sang/shrieked this song into Alexander's ear, today. He loved it.]
Verse of the Day: "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them."
~ Romans 8:28
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Ahhhh! My precioussss. (AKA, reading the LOTR trilogy)
So I finished reading The Lord of the Rings, and I cried.
And when I say "cried", I mean I felt a lump bobble up in my throat and my eyes started glazing with tears. Funny that it should happen when Gandalf says that tears are okay.
Up until The Return of the King, I'm afraid I was kinda bored. Mostly, I was just reading the book [Note: when I say "book", I mean the whole trilogy, like Tolkien wanted it to be] so that I could have the satisfaction of saying "Oh yeah, I've read that."
But having seen the movies first, and adding J.R.R's wordiness to the mix, I was impatient and not a very good admirer of his writing.
I was an inconstant lover, spending days if not weeks away from the book, turning instead to mindless entertainment like Pinterest, YouTube and Twitter.
Honestly, I've decided that my kids won't be allowed to watch the movies until they've read the book. This way, they can be reasonably disappointed and crushed when Tom Bombadil doesn't actually have a cameo.
I digress.
The Return of the King was awesome.
Mostly due to the fact that they had almost a whole chapter dedicated to Eowyn and Faramir's love-story.
I've always preferred them to Arwen and Aragorn. Just sayin'.
To anyone who is thinking about reading the book, please do. It's a masterpiece: An epic tale that doesn't have an equal.
And who doesn't love Hobbits?
And when I say "cried", I mean I felt a lump bobble up in my throat and my eyes started glazing with tears. Funny that it should happen when Gandalf says that tears are okay.
Up until The Return of the King, I'm afraid I was kinda bored. Mostly, I was just reading the book [Note: when I say "book", I mean the whole trilogy, like Tolkien wanted it to be] so that I could have the satisfaction of saying "Oh yeah, I've read that."
But having seen the movies first, and adding J.R.R's wordiness to the mix, I was impatient and not a very good admirer of his writing.
I was an inconstant lover, spending days if not weeks away from the book, turning instead to mindless entertainment like Pinterest, YouTube and Twitter.
Honestly, I've decided that my kids won't be allowed to watch the movies until they've read the book. This way, they can be reasonably disappointed and crushed when Tom Bombadil doesn't actually have a cameo.
I digress.
The Return of the King was awesome.
Mostly due to the fact that they had almost a whole chapter dedicated to Eowyn and Faramir's love-story.
I've always preferred them to Arwen and Aragorn. Just sayin'.
To anyone who is thinking about reading the book, please do. It's a masterpiece: An epic tale that doesn't have an equal.
And who doesn't love Hobbits?
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